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Your hub for all things Pagan  & mystical on the Emerald Isle and beyond! Dive into our quarterly magazine, lovingly crafted by and for the Pagan Community. From Druidism to Witchcraft, Asatru to Shamanism, we've got them all covered! 

Whether you're flipping through paper pages or scrolling an emag, our current Issue is brimming with enchanting content. Also you can grab a 1-year subscription for a magical journey through four seasons of Pagan wisdom—shipping to  Ireland, Northern Ireland and all corners of the globe.

Looking for articles on ancient or modern Paganism or just curious about Irish Paganism? You've come to the right place!  Druidry, Wicca, Neo-Paganism,  Witchcraft, Heathenry, Shamanism, Irish Culture and History of Paganism are all covered in PAGAN IRELAND magazine.

ISSUE 15 - Spring 25

For Recycled Paper version: please make sure you select the correct P&P option for your country!

Ireland includes N. Ireland, UK/EU price is for EU+ England/Wales /Scotland. Worldwide is everywhere else!

Our Spring issue is out now...

Our issues are available to buy as an emag or paper magazine. Issue 14 is available now.
You can alternatively buy a 1 year subscription to receive 4 consecutive issues.
Note: Ireland P&P includes Northern Ireland

We're all about community, so if you've got a great article, story, poem or bewitching artwork, please submit your work!
Visit our Submissions page to share your unique perspective and join the PAGAN IRELAND community.

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